Roman Gorovoy

Owner and Director

Born in Moscow in 1982, Roman Gorovoy moved to Germany at the age of 12, where he completed his A-levels at Salem International College in 2001. He then went on to study Business Economics at the University of Durham, England, receiving his degree in 2005. Roman also gained practical business experience during a number of internships, amongst others in the marketing department of Knauf and with Electrostar GmbH.

In August 2005, he was appointed Assistant to the Management Board of the ALGO Company Group. In addition, he began to act as an advisor on export to Russia and Eastern Europe for Electrostar.

In 2007, Roman was appointed Managing Director of Electrostar GmbH and is now responsible for the operational management and strategic development of the company and its subsidiaries, incl. Haaga Kehrsysteme GmbH. Also see:В SWR documentaryВ

Besides its main business Roman has made several investments in internet startups, among others – Regiondo GmbH ( and Rusbase (В

Since 2015 Roman owns 51% of Algo Handels GmbH.

Decision Making

 Algo Group is a family holding. Investment decisions are based on:

  • Strategic fit and potential synergies between the portfolio companies
  • Contribution to risk diversification of the investment portfolio
  • Decision templates provided by specialized advisors of the group.